Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well as you see below Kim did not get much sleep last night and when she did it wasn't very good sleep. It was raining pretty good here today and that in itself bothers Kim's back. Add the surgery and the incision and that makes for some hurt. Kim was determined to walk outside today so she did. We walked around the block stopping a couple of times. The incision is really bothering her. When we got back to the apartment Kim went to lay down and it hit her. The incision pain was bad. She tried to get up a little later but not for long. She went back into bed, took a pain pill and is hopefully still asleep. I hope she sleeps through the night without any problems. It is going to be rainy here again tomorrow so we will see how things go. We may try a different plan of movement and rest. Kim is really looking forward to getting home in her own bed. More later.


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