Monday, November 14, 2011

It's me! :-)

What better thing to do at about 4:30 am Barcelona time than blog? I made a fatal error tonight and didn't realize why I can't sleep until about 4:00 am. I drank Coke before going to bed! Me and caffeine don't see eye to eye at night? I am typing away on FB, responding to blog messages and posting a new one.

FYI-Mark and I are going to tag team the accounting of this journey because I'm sure that there are days I'm not going to be up to the task, but he thought that it would be good for me to put my first person voice on the blog, as well. So here I am! He also said he is going to be the BS meter to my roses and sunshine! :-)

As you've been reading I'm experiencing some expected post-op pain. Some more expected than others, but nonetheless, they are there. I have to say, I wasn't expecting the barrel me over abdominal pain, but they are there. I feel like I have a hernia and if I push it in, it hurts less. Now, the left hip pain. I have to say, OMG! I'm used to right hip/leg pain not the left and let me tell you, it is painful. So much so that I can't lift my leg off the bed straight up. If I bend my hip out and slide my leg down the bed, I can get it straight. Mark literally has to lift my leg off the bed to get my socks and shoes on. This I have to admit is quite annoying!

I've been really good about no bending, lifting or twisting so far. My reacher has come in handy many times so I don't feel so helpless. I know Mark and Jeff will help with whatever I need, but I'm just not built that way and I need my independence back, however small, ASAP! Don't worry though, I'm not delusional, independence is still down the road, but I'm hoping to be able to grab a little piece back every day.

Ok ladies and gents, I'm sure I have babbled for far too long in my tired state. I need to try and get a few hour of something resembling sleep because by God, I'm gonna see some more of Barcelona than the two blocks surrounding the apartment.

Night all,

1 comment:

  1. You do have quite an incision to heal from - 6-8 inches is a big one. I almost had three levels done too, and they said they have to approach the L3-4 from a different angle = bigger cut. My 3 inch incision was pretty easy to heal. I'm sure you will be a different person in just a few days though! My husband named my "oops" because of how many things he had to pick up off the floor! Take the help for the dumb stuff, and save your energy for walking and seeing things! And you're right... every day will get better now, instead of worse.
